Eric (Mungi) Barney Kumanara Indulkana, APY Lands SA, Australia, b. 1973

Eric Barney is a wonderful artist, who grew up in Indulkana Community where he continues to live and work. Eric is a phenomenal painter and we are excited to showcase his works as the first male artist in the APY Art Centre Collective Micro Exhibitions.
Working with Iwantja Art Centre since 2008, Eric has been guided and mentored on painting techniques and protocol by the senior men at Iwantja Arts, Peter Mungkari, Alec Baker and Kunmanara (Jimmy) Pompey. Eric is a dedicated painter and artsworker, providing studio support for his fellow artists and working alongside the senior men on a number of collaborative artwork projects, along with his own artistic practice.
Eric uses strong colours in his powerful works, depicting the remote APY Lands in aerial perspectives. These colours are evocative of the sun-bleached desert sandhills and rugged bushland. Eric's landscapes are dotted with a brashness and integrity that boldly capture the essence of the majestic desert country.